(MAGIC BULLET), That works to feed the Pig!!

Magic Bullet That Works to Feed the Pig


「原発」や「ガバナンス」といった現社会に溢れる問題に真っ向から挑んだ歌詞。邦訳 “豚の餌に効く特効薬” に見られるような言葉遊びも満載♩




New Stupid Piece Of Shit That Doesn’t Fuckin’ Work.

Here's the deal!!
Or taken pluck the fur of the arsehole!!

Alternative culture and the governance shit.
Gonna buy bullshit that are all is bomb.
They're fake fuckin'yourself.
Here is all their spite.

New stupid piece of shit that doesn't fuckin'work.

Magic bullet that works to feed the pig.
Gonna buy bullshit of all of them.
They're screw up fuckin'yourself.
They push me tons of no bang for the buck!

New stupid piece of shit that doesn't fuckin'work.
Look at the things that are fuckin'messy at the around.

Causality, or else an ace up your sleeve.
Gonna buy bullshit all believed.
I'll try to fake fuckin'myself.
I'll pull down all of my bank.

New stupid piece of shit that doesn't fuckin'work.
New stupid piece of shit that doesn't fuckin'work.

Mrs.Lover of the CEO, she's fake fuckin'herself, too...
Gonna eat bullshit!!
Gonna eat bullshit of your spite.

New stupid piece of shit that doesn't fuckin'work.
Stupid piece of shit...
Stupid piece of shit...
It doesn't fuckin'work!!

Here's the deal!!
Hooray fat cat!!
Hooray fat cat!!


The Birds, Singing At Non Reality.

Without meaning, just annoying scream.
It makes me sounds like shit.
Snort you cause get rid of the multi-cunt.
Just, something stupid like that.

The birds, singing at non reality.

You provide fuckin' guess, and you says "Hey Fame Fuck Off!!"
And yet, you'll be the fashionable.
Or else, you'll lose cheap appeal.

You're fuckin' happy champ or poor...

You're all fucking, but I don't give a fuck.
Because I love you.
You're slaves of big shit.
It like fuckin' useless clap.

You're slaves of big shit...

Without meaning, just annoying scream.
It makes me sounds like shit.
Snort you till scream front of my eyes.
Some shit about the...

The birds, singing at non reality.

You provides fuckin' two cents, and you says "Hey Fame Fuck Off!!"
And yet, you'll be the passionable.
Or else, you'll lose cheap real.

You're fuckin' happy champ or poor...

You're all fucking, but I don't give a fuck.
Because I love you.
It's not true story of shit,
You're slaves of big shit.
Big shit!!

You're slaves of big shit.
You don't know it makes me joy with the fuckin'mickey mouse...

It makes me sounds like big shit.
Snorting you all of shit, just stupid like you.

The birds, singing at non reality.

You provide fuckin' tag, and you says "Hey Fame Fuck Off!!"
And yet, you'll be the fashionable.
Or else, you'll be the passionable.

You're all fucking, but I don't give a fuck.
Because I fuckin' hate you.
You're cheap appeal is nonsense.
Some shit about the personality.
It like fuckin' useless clap...


もうじき発売!! その弐

